Covers review and challenging of decisions made by public bodies to ensure fairness, accountability and compliance with the rules of natural justice
Preparation and administration of various commercial agreements for clients involved in various industries including, professional services, construction, mining, transport, lending and finanace
In which we prepare Wills and similar documents and also handle court cases dealing with inheritance related disputes
Resolution of disputes inter parties through a more efficient and economically sound form of dispute resolution including but not limited to arbitration and mediation
Cancellation of such.
Which is concerned with the conduct of trades vis-a-vis each other, as well as conduct of traders under the Competition Act of Botswana
Collection of debts and providing defense against unjustified claims for debt
which covers cases concerns divorce, custody of children, child maintenance, rights to bury deceased family members and the general relationship between family members, their rights and duties.
which comprises the protection of the fundamental rights protected under the Constitution of the Republic of Botswana.
which deals with industrial relation litigation such as dismissals, retrenchments and strikes as well as drafting of employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements.
Which includes leases, sale and possession of immovable property, cession of rights.
Providing defense for persons accused of road traffic offenses, e.g drunken driving, over speeding, motor vehicle collusions etc.
We offer company registration services
Such as carrying out legal due diligences, providing legal opinion, etc
Providing defence for persons accused of various acts of criminal nature, e.g. murder cases, robbery, theft etc.
In which we register deeds of title and of security over immovable property with the Deeds Registry offic, i.e. title deeds and mortgage bonds
Which cover defamation of character, negligence, master-servant liability and personal injury claims.
Which includes leases, sale and possession of immovable property, cession of rights.
Advising various clients on the on the rules and practices in consonance with the prevailing laws and good commercial practices as well as identification, assessment and prioritization of risk.